Maled Blackhead & Acne Pimple Popper Kit - A Comprehensive Breakdown

Maled Blackhead & Acne Pimple Popper Kit - A Comprehensive Breakdown

Maled Blackhead & Acne Pimple Popper Kit - A Comprehensive Breakdown


Table of Contents :



    What is the Maled Blackhead & Acne Pimple Popper Kit?


    The Maled Blackhead & Acne Pimple Popper Kit is an acne kit filled with 7 high-quality unique tools as well as pimple patches.



    • Precision and Safety: The popper's design ensures precise targeting and minimizes the risk of scarring or skin damage.


    • Convenience and Versatility: The tool is suitable for various skin types and can be used on different areas of the face, including the nose, chin, and forehead.


    • Complete Solution: The inclusion of pimple patches offers an all-encompassing approach to skincare, promoting healing and preventing further breakouts.


    • Redness Downtime: This kit is made for people with pimples that want an easy sanitary way to get rid of them. Using these tools also make redness go away faster compared to squeezing with hards.

    • How to Use the Acne Kit?


    Step 1: Wash your face before using the tool. We suggest you wash your face with warm water to open up those pores. If you want to take your cleanliness to the next level wash your face with a cleanser or exfoliator beforehand.


    Step 2: Wash your hands, this is a given but just to make sure, wash your tools and hands with water.


    Step 3: Select your preferred tool, this depends on if you're removing a pimple, blackhead, or whitehead.

    Step 4: Use gauze or a clean paper towel to treat any bleeding after extracting your pimples (if there is any bleeding)


    Step 5: Wash and dry your tool. Lastly, give your face a quick rinse


      Use for Pimples

      Make sure the white part is visible, if it's not then it's not ready to be popped.


      Some pimples may need to be slightly poked for better release of fluid. Your goal is to pierce the skin's outer layer; this should not hurt and would make it a lot easier to pop the pimple.


      Take the tool best fit for the area of your face, slightly push down, wait for the pimple to pop, then wipe the excess away, rise dry, and repeat.


      If the pimple DOESN'T POP, after applying heavy force, consider using acne products on it, pimple patches or just wait. If you need instant relief of redness and puffiness, consider using ice or our blemish coverup we are releasing soon.

      Use for Blackheads

      Both blackheads and whiteheads are totally normal and can be treated the same way.


      Do NOT use the poker


      Place the wire loop around the blackhead or whitehead. Press gently to extract the dead skin and sebum that's clogging the pore. If nothing immediately comes out of the breakout, stop pressing and let it rest. If bleeding occurs, stop pushing.


      • How to use the pimple patches

      As you know, when buying our acne kit you also get pimple patches for aftercare.


      These pimple patches are made for covering pimples, lowering pimple volume, and treating pimples without popping them. Wash your face, apply the pimple patch to your pimple, and wait at least 6 hours before removing it.  This does not work for blackheads or whiteheads.



      A Blackhead & Acne Pimple Popper Kit is the best way to treat acne, pimples, whitehead, and blackheads if you need to instantly get rid of them. Its sanitary, safe, easy, and effective


      Your acne should heal completely in 1-2 days, faster than it would've taken if you hadn't done anything.


      Check out our other product coming soon to prevent acne.


      If you buy the Blackhead & Acne Pimple Popper Kit you will also get pimple patches for aftercare!

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